Monday, March 10, 2008

The Greatest Show You're NOT Watching

I had to finally tell someone that I am in love with the show Las Vegas, and who better but my loyal readers? Anyways, I know the show got canceled a few weeks ago, but when I discovered every episode was being shown in syndication (every day at 6 on Mystery TV,) I decided I HAD to start TIVOing it. So I did, and about 11 episodes in I was hooked. I'm not gonna explain the show for you newbies, you can check out the show's wikipedia entry for that. For those of you who do watch the show, there's a few things I'd like to say, (keep in mind I've only seen the first 11 episodes, plus a few random ones.)

For one thing how can a show like this get away with such a ridiculously good-looking cast? It's not even fair! All kidding aside, I haven't seen a cast this good since The O.C. went off the air. Now I know the chauvinistic side of me is showing, but you have to admit a good-looking cast (being comfortable with my sexuality I can say the men are fairly decent looking as well,) can really keep you into a show.

That's not all that's kept me into the show by the way. The chemistry between the cast is amazing, especially between Danny (Josh Duhamel,) and Ed (James Caan). Danny plays Ed’s protégé, and they both work together in security at the fictional Montecito Resort and Casino. The interaction between the cast, the changing plots of every episode, and the allure of Las Vegas, should keep all viewers very satisfied.

That’s enough praise for my favorite syndicated show. (Can Heroes and The Office come back already please?) Onto the Album of the day, On & On, by Jack Johnson. The Hawaiian-born singer’s soft rock is very pleasing on the ears, and always puts you in a great mood. On & On is no exception.

By the way, I apologize for the fact this blog sounds more like me talking then writing, but my head is killing me and this is the best I could muster. Hope you enjoyed it anyways.

Anyways that’s all for today, and don’t forget to check back tomorrow.

1 comment:

Yining Su said...

I just wrote a 1000 word post. Can I put a video now?